


"How Can I Help?" (added 8-7-24)

For now, Emil Barbato will cover the assigning for schools for which Charlie McCarthy was responsible. The"biggest ask," so to speak, is that officials keep their Arbiter calendar up-to-date and that they communicate promptly regarding any assignments that are offered or assignments that change.

Below is a link to a video about how to schedule blocks on your Arbiter calendar. Blocking off days will tell the assigners that you're not available, saving them valuable time when assigning meets and filling a vacancy. The production on the video is not the greatest, but the information is valid:





Important Upcoming Dates (updaed 9-10-24)

The following compliance items are available from NOW through Tuesday, September 17:


Part 1 and Part 2 Exams

Rules Video

Diving Rules Video (for those wanting State Final consideration)


NOTE: This year, SOME members may need to update their concussion training and MOST members will need to update their hate speech training. If one or both applies to you, you will see this prominently on your IHSA Official's Center dashboard. Please remember that until these are completed, you will not be llisted in any IHSA directory and you cannot work any meets.