


Electronic Voting (added 2-9-25)

We will once again use ElectionBuddy to conduct our electronic officer election following the Boy's State Final. Voting will open at midnight on Tuesday, March 4 and will close at 11:45pm on Sunday, March 9th. All ISOA members as of February 1 will receive a ballot by e-mail to vote.

Results will be available to all on Monday, March 10.


Association Updates (updated 2-9-25)

1 - The deadline to submit Romsted-Drumm Award nominations has been extended to March 16. Please send your nomination to the general ISOA mailbox isoainfo1@gmail.com if you are interested in submitting a nomination.


2 - The NOMINATING COMMITTEE for the February election consists of Susan Mariottini, Tom Strunk and Skip Yates. Please contact any of these members to make a nomination or to learn more information about the offices that are being voted, which are President, Treasurer and Member-At-Large. Information on each role can also be found in Article 3 of the Constitution. This committee will take nominations up until our March 1 meeting, and nominations may even come from the floor at the meeting. As always, please be sure your nominee is willing to serve if elected.